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Nicky Mackie - Executive Business Coach, Speaker, People Management Consultant & Business Process Expert- People Assets Pty Ltd 

October 2016

Mike Goadby - Managing Director - Beko A & NZ Pty Ltd

February 2016

To strengthen the team and also give common direction on employment and HR issues Kim’s role has been redefined as  GM operations & HR.   Pretty much the same as she is doing now but with added responsibility for HR, training, process and procedures in service department,  this will bring them in line with all SAP procedures.


Tim Kirkup - GM Customer Services - Fisher & Paykel

June 2009

Kim is accurate and quick in anything that she does and works well with other people.  Kim also has a ability to get the best out of other people.

I would happily re-employ Kim if a job of the required seniority became available in the future and I recommend here honesty, integrity and her work ethic.

Mike Goadby - President USA - Fisher & Paykel Appliances

January 2000

Kim's attention to detail and prioritizing capabilities, once again she was once again able to be called to do an enormous task, with much success and acclaim.  Kim's internal and external customer care was always professional and direct.

Having worked with Kim for over 5 years, Kim professionalism and strength of character have established her as an expert who’s work ethic ensures the highest quality of work and customer care approach.  Kim achieves work output at 200% to others as she always takes the positive attitude of “of course I can” in every situation. She is both a pleasure to work with and a valuable work colleague for her employer and external consultants on every occasion.

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